Home Health Vaporizers: The Basics

Vaporizers: The Basics


Although you have probably read a few reviews, shared a hit with your friends, or got one for yourself, you still might not know enough about vaporizers. To help you achieve a better understanding and make an informed decision aimed at ensuring you enjoy your vape, listed below are the basics about vaporizers.

Vaporizers are inhalation devices that use heat to activate the substances of inorganic or organic materials in vapor form. However, you should not confuse vaporizing, which is basically the use of a vaporizer, with smoking.

Difference between vaporizing and smoking
Although a vaporizer employs heat to release active ingredients for recreation or therapeutic purposes, temperatures never reach the material’s combustion or burning point. On the other hand, smoking involves the slow combustion of botanicals, giving off smoke and not aromatic vapors, which means that smoking involves a higher chemical reaction degree. Toxic byproducts are the result of such a reaction, and these are harmful to the human body. It is this fact that is the primary reason why vaporizers are considered a healthy alternative to smoking. The therapeutic effects achieved through vaporizing are similar to those of smoking albeit without the harmful elements present in smoke.

Vaporizer functionality
When it comes to heating herbal materials, vaporizers use two important principles.
Conduction: The principle of conduction means the vaporizing material contacts the heating element directly to release vapor. Conduction is the cheapest and most straightforward method of vaporizing. Small-sized models and vaporizer pens are only but a few of the devices that use the conduction method. Since they are typically compact in size, which means little room for convection, pen-style vaporizers generally use the conduction principle. Wax and concentrate models also perform well using this principle.

• Faster heat up time as a result of close contact between the material and source of heat.
• Cheaper and user-friendly models.

• The possibility of combustion is higher since the vaping material is exposed to the heat source directly.

Convection: This method does not involve direct contact between the heating element and herbal material. Heated air passes over the material to release vapor. Devices that use the convection method require a mechanism to move air from the heating source toward the botanicals. Forced-air models feature an internal fan that pushes heated air toward the material, which does not require manual draws to result in a steady vapor flow. Whip-style models require manual draws or inhalation through a tube known as the whip.

• Little chance for combustion
• Temperature adjustments are easy to achieve
• High-quality vapor

• Needs extra time to start vaporizing due to the additional process of heating up the air before it can reach the material.
• High priced models due to the added components.

If you need more information from an expert, DashVapes may be able to help you.


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