Home Health Care Factors to Consider When Selecting a Home Healthcare Service

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Home Healthcare Service


A growing trend in Canada, and elsewhere in North America, involves adult children playing larger roles in the lives of their aging parents. As the Baby Boom Generation moves further into their Golden Years, this scenario will play out ever more regularly into the foreseeable future. Many adult children will continue to be in the role of primary elderly caregiver.

An associated trend in the country is the understandable desire of an aging person to remain in his or her own home. The demand for in-home senior care is becoming increasingly more pronounced with each passing year.

A family seeking in-home senior care face a serious decision. Selecting the write senior care provider is crucial. With that in mind, there are a number of factors to take into consideration when seeking an elderly caregiver service.

Comprehensive Senior Care

When looking for a residential senior care service, look for an agency that provides comprehensive services. The needs of an elderly family member are likely to change and evolve over time. Initially, an older parent may require some assistance with certain day-to-day tasks, like light housekeeping. Over time, he or she may need more healthcare-related services. Being able to access these services through one senior care provider is ideal.

Assistance with Issues of Daily Living

Many older relatives, including parents, can use assistance with issues associated with daily living. This is one of the considerations to bear in mind when looking for assistance for a parent or other loved one.

Home care service agencies provide different types of assistance in this area. These span the spectrum from light housekeeping to cooking to assistance with dressing. Find out how these services can be tailored to the specific needs of your parent.

Home Health Care

Another considerate to bear in mind when considering an elderly caregiver service is the nature and extent of home health care available through the agency. This includes an examination of the educational and professional background of the individuals making up the home health care team at an agency.

Registered Nurse

Confirm that an agency has a registered nurse on staff. Although nursing assistants and other professionals are invaluable when care is needed for an elderly parent, the availability of a registered nurse is essential to making certain the bases are best covered in regard to a parent or other loved one’s medical needs.

Respite Care

Find out if a elderly caregiver service offers respite care. Respite care is designed to give you a break in providing assistance for your elderly parent. If you are a primary caregiver, you need at least some time to tend to your own needs. Respite care makes this possible, while ensuring your parent’s needs are satisfied in the process.


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